Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Kernel of Wheat or “wheat berry”

--Wheat—(Thanks Kara for some of this great info.* Added to by Cindy)

The second most produced food in the world, corn being the first and rice a close third. Wheat is a healthy grain for those who can tolerate it. Celiac disease (gluten intolerance) afflicts as many as 1 percent of the population, not to mention the growing number of wheat allergies. Know your body, get tested if there is a question and find alternatives if there is a problem. Wheat contains 13 B vitamins, vitamin E, protein, essential fatty acids, and trace minerals. High in gluten (the protein that provides the elasticity necessary for bread making.)


Durum wheat is golden in color and it very hard, too hard for home mills to grind. It is used in making pasta and can be purchased as "semolina flour."High in gluten and protein. Durums high starch content allows the pasta to hold together when it is boiled.

Hard red wheat is an acidic grain; it is darker with a tint of red. This variety has been around for a long, long time and has been refined to make the common white flour, which is the whole grain stripped of its bran and germ, leaving the light, full of gluten endosperm that produces the fluffy, risen breads that are so prevalent in our supermarkets and bakeries. Hard red wheat is also processed as Bulgur which is steamed, cracked and dried for more flavor and short cooking time. As whole grain flour, it produces heavy, dense and robustly nutty flavored breads. High in protein 10-14 percent.

Hard white wheat is a newer hybrid that is alkaline, lighter in color and produces risen breads with a lighter texture. This wheat is whole grain with nearly identical nutrition to its red cousin. Hard white wheat is a cross between Hard Red wheat and soft white wheat.

Soft white wheat is also known as pastry wheat or when ground, sold under the label of "whole wheat pastry flour." This wheat is lacking the gluten for holding a rise in good yeasted breads, but works great in pastry recipes and still very nutritious. Low in protein (6 to 10 percent).

Cracked Wheat is made by rolling whole wheat berries in between steel rollers that break in down into small pieces. Cracked wheat reduces cooking time and is still considered a whole grain because it still contains the same nutrients as the whole grain.

Wheat Flakes are made when the whole wheat berries are steam –pressed into flakes.

Bulgur Wheat- Flour-  (Sprouted wheat or malted flour)

Makes about 6 cups-\4 cups bulgur. Grind the bulgur into fine flour. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer. Sprouted wheat flour may be used in cookies and cake recipes where soaking gives less than satisfactory results.


Less than 11 cents per serving at under $1.00 per lb.

1 lb = 2.2 cups dry = 4.5 cups cooked = 3 cups flour

To Cook:

1 cup grain to 3 cups water.

Simmer 45 minutes or Pressure 15 minutes on high, natural release,

Strain and rinse.

To Store:

-Whole - indefinitely in an air tight container in a cool, dry place.

For long term storage freeze for 48 hours before storing.

-Bulgur/cracked- 6 months in an air tight container in a cool, dry place.

-Flour - up to 2 weeks in an air tight container,

or freeze up to 1 year.

-Cooked - refrigerate for up to 10 days,

or freeze up to 6 months

To Use:

-Cooked berries can be used by adding to soups and salads.

-Cracked berries can be cooked for a breakfast cereal.

-Soft white wheat flour may be used in place of white flour for any non yeasted recipe.

Examples: Pancakes, waffles, sweet breads, muffins, cakes, cookies, crackers, crepes, tortillas, pasta, pie crusts and other pastries.

-Hard white and hard red wheat flours can be used for yeasted breads.
-Whole Berries can be sprouted

Nutritional Value per 100 grams (3.5 oz.)
carbohydrates 68 grams        dietary fiber12.2 grams                      fat1.9 grams
protein 15.4 grams                iron 3.6 mg 20%                              Thiamin 0.3 mg
Niacin 4.0 mg                       Magnesium 100 mg                           Manganese 3.0 mg
Phosphorus 212 mg              Selenium 49 mcg

Where to buy grains

Azure Standard- http://www.azurestandard.com/
Co-op group. Call to find a drop-off location near you

.Good Apple- Apache Trail before Idaho Rd.-North Side

Preparing Wisely -http://www.preparingwisely.com/home (Mesa Drive/ South of Main)
Grains Plus- http://www.grainsplus.com/-Orders are several times a year.
Sprouts-(Higley/Southern) 10% off if you buy the whole bag
Pleasant Hill Grain- http://www.pleasanthillgrain.com/
Grover’s 130 W. Hampton Ave. Ste.#9 Mesa, AZ 85210 480-827-8011

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