Friday, October 2, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccine

Yes, I know it is a personal choice to get the swine flu shot. However, many people that I have talked to do not know about the possible side effects from the shot. Do your own research, become informed and then make your decision. All of this information will get you started...

First, check out this 60 Minutes report with Mike Wallace from the 1970's on the Swine flu scare that urged all of America to get vaccinated. 46 million obediently went and got the shot and a few thousand died from the shot and it's neurological effect on them. It also shows why you shouldn't be as worried about the disease as the press is hyping. Be sure to watch the scary public commercials at the end of the piece that helped convince those millions of Americans to get the shot.
The video clip is half way down the page...

This morning I received this article through a Meridian magazine article on why we should NOT get the Swine flu vaccine and addresses the interesting link between why flu and colds appear more in the winter than summer (hint, sun exposure creates large vitamin D doses in the body and when we're indoors we don't get it). (The article also points out how ingestion of sugar negatively impacts your immune system.)

One of the footnotes in that article led to this non-scientific study where one prison gave inmates 2000 IU's of vitamin D and none of the inmates got the flu while another prison had a large outbreak and they were not on the supplement.

Canada has now been sufficiently impressed by this type of information and is now actually doing a full blown study on vitamin D and how it impacts the body to prevent the flu.

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