Friday, September 18, 2009

Parasite Clarification

I have learned that when I mentioned about the upcoming community class about Parasites, in Relief Society, several sisters (I do not know names), it seems, were offended. I am sorry if you did not understand or were confused by the mention of this type of class. Being prepared is more than just food, water and supplies. We need to be prepared to face what ever our journey may be. If you are not interested in a particular class then just ignore it, but another sister might be interested. I will never be able to please everyone and you might become interested in learning more if you or your family come down with an illness. -The Scouts are always swiming in questionable water sources    : )

Let me know what you want to learn about : ) I like to learn all I can, in all areas...well maybe not math...

Just an FYI about parasites- Most people believe that you must travel out of the country to be affected by parasites. According to Dr. Frank Nova, Chief of Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases of the National
Institute of Health, states, “In terms of numbers, there are more parasitic infections acquired in the U.S. than in Africa.”

Dr. Ross (U.S.Parasite infection expert) stated; " I believe the single most undiagnosed health challenge in the history of human race is parasites. I realize that this is a pretty brave statement, but it is based on my 20 years of experience with more than 20,000 patients."

Parasites are found in the highest concentrations in commerical pork products (bacon, ham, hotdogs, cold cuts, pork chops etc.) Beef, lamb, and even fish. All fruits and vegetables can contain parasites as well. Parasites can not be seen by the naked eye.

*Milwaukee, 2001: 400,000 people fell ill due to water born parasite in the cities water supply.

Parasites can cause *Constipation,* Diarrhea,*Irritable bowel syndrome,*Joint and muscle aches,* anemia,

* Skin conditions,*Allergies,*Granulomas,* Nervousness *Fatigue and more.

If you want to learn more follow this link...

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